Mount Mercy is committed to making your education affordable. 看看这些资源:
FAFSA (使用Mount Mercy的代码: 001880)
A Mount Mercy education is one of the best investments you can make. 事实上, 许多学生发现Mount Mercy的学费比该地区许多公立和私立学校都要便宜.
美国.S. Department of Education has made many 更改和简化 今年的FAFSA. Because of this, the application will open later than usual—be prepared to take action after the soft launch on December 31, 2023. The form will be available periodically as they address issues, so check back frequently if you have any trouble.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out! You can contact our Office of 金融援助 at 319-368-6467 or finaid@metsamies.com
美国.S. Department of Education has made many 更改和简化 今年的FAFSA. Here are some of the main updates:
The first step is to make sure everyone has their own Student援助.政府账户/FSA ID. The student 和 all contributors will need their own accounts, 因此,提前设置这些将简化你填写FAFSA的能力.
You'll fill out the 2024-25 FAFSA using tax information from 2022.
The FAFSA usually operates with the previous year's tax information. Even though the FAFSA is opening later than usual this year, make sure you use your 2022 tax information.
Due to this year's changes, the U.S. 教育部表示,从FAFSA向大学传递信息将会延迟.
我们预计在4月份发布传统本科学生的奖励通知. 在我们的集体项目的学生需要注册之前,经济援助奖将被发送.
有慷慨的经济援助选择,并专注于明确的毕业途径, Mount Mercy致力于使您的教育成为负担得起的投资. 请博彩平台的经济援助顾问,讨论所有可用的经济援助选择——我们在这里提供帮助!
319-368-6467 or 1-800-248-4504 ext.6467
The first step in applying for financial aid is to complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student 援助). Mount Mercy's 联邦 school code is 001880.
Mount Mercy的经济援助奖励函将作为您的经济援助资格的正式通知. 而不是承诺提供资金, the letter is an initial indication of 状态, 联邦, 机构, 和 outside agency funds available. The letter will include the amounts of 联邦, 状态, 和 机构 aid for which the student is awarded, 以及奖励期. 学生可以按照授予信上的说明接受经济援助.
优先截止日期 新 incoming traditional students (fall semester) to file the FAFSA is 3月1日. 爱荷华州的学生(所有本科生)应不迟于以下时间提交FAFSA 7月1日 to be 符合条件的 for the Iowa 学费 Grant. To be 符合条件的 to receive financial aid, Mount Mercy的财务援助办公室必须收到处理援助所需的所有必要文件 10月1日 在秋季学期 3月1日 春季学期.
从主要的联邦学生援助计划中获得援助,并确定获得机构援助的资格, 学生必须:
To be 符合条件的 for 状态 financial aid programs, a student must be:
所有注册在Mount Mercy大学上课的学生都需要进行电子签名(e-sign) Financial Responsibility Agreement (FRA).
财务责任协议是您和Mount Mercy大学之间的披露协议,声明您同意支付您从大学获得的注册和服务产生的所有费用. 您将被要求确认您理解您有责任支付与您的出席相关的所有费用,并在适用的情况下, 大学住宿费. 该协议还解释了你的经济援助如何用于支付你的账单, the consequences of not paying your bill in a timely fashion, 学校将如何通知你你欠学校的任何未偿余额, 1098-T表格的社会安全号码或纳税人识别号码要求, 和 electronic distribution of 1098-T forms.
您(学生)将收到一封电子邮件,邀请您阅读并签署协议. 如果你拒绝在表格上签字, 如果你不同意支付学费,你的入学资格将被取消. 只要你继续在大学注册,你只需要签署一次协议.
芒特梅西大学接受提供这项福利的雇主的学费报销. 我们允许在课程结束后45天内获得学费报销的学生支付课程学费.